Lindsey Dono
Calling to
A Massachusetts transplant, Lindsey Dono began dancing in high school and calling in college. With her calm teaching, careful programming, and sunny demeanor, she can coax even the most skittish beginner onto the dance floor. Lindsey also leads workshops for intermediate and advanced dancers that focus on safety, creativity, and community. When not involved with contra, Lindsey conducts immunology research, practices lindy hop, and crews on a racing yacht.
Countercurrent is a contra band from Western Washington made up of two band members: Alex Sturbaum and Brian Lindsey who’ve both been immersed in music most their lives. Their energetic music will have your feet flying in moments. This winter the two have be on tour in the Bay Area after creating an awesome album successfully funded by Kickstarter.
There is a workshop at 7:30pm. The dance begins at 8:00. All other dance details are on the “About Our Dance” page on this website.