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Susan Michaels 
Calling to
Red Crow

Susan Michaels has been calling squares, contras, and family dances for more then 30 years, building community, facilitating joy, and just plain having fun.  Susan believes it is in calling in life to teach people how to hold hands in a circle and move to music.  She loves all kinds of choreography… but specializes in dance with drive and flow that hold on to the roots of barn dancing but take off in new directions.  Susan brings  her special brand of dry quirky humor with her to every dance event and has a unique gift for making newcomers, 2 left-footers, and shy persons blossom through dance.

Red Crow has played for us before; it’s always a pleasure to have them back.  They play soaring traditional Celtic and contemporary tunes for West Coast contra dances, and specialize in merging their music with the dancers to create a unity in the hall.

There is a workshop at 7:30pm.  The dances begin at 8:00.  All other dance details are on the “About Our Dance” page on this website.