Port Angeles

Contra Dance


2020 Contra Dance
Black Diamond Schedule

Kate Powers and David Rivers
Lindsey Dono calling

David Rivers and Kate Powers
Susan Michaels calling

Ground Lift
Michael Karcher calling

Gwen Rouseau calling

Dave Bartley and Anita
Greg Frock calling

Kate Powers and David Rivers
Susan Michaels calling

Dances held at

Black Diamond
Community Hall

1942 Black Diamond Rd.,
Port Angeles, WA 98363

1st Saturday of every month

Free Lesson begins at 7pm,
Dance 7:30-10:30pm

Suggested Donation
Adults $8, 12-18 $4, 0-11 Free

Upcoming and Past Events

October 3, 2015 dance Laura Smith calls to live music

Join us Oct 3:

Laura Mae Smith 

calls the dances
to music by Sandy Bradley and Kevin Carr

Her succinct teaching and quick wit delight dancers near and far, young and old, brand new and experienced.  Equally comfortable with contra dances, English Country dances, and squares, she’ll keep your toes tapping and your mouth grinning long after the band goes home.

Kevin Carr is from Grants Pass and has been a mainstay of fiddle music  for national and international audiences for many years. He plays dance music of many different idioms. He’s paired here with Sandy Bradley on guitar. She’s a Seattle area pillar of old time music and dance, and her experience with Kevin spans many years.
There is joy in the clarity of their musical vision, and it propels the dance floor.

 Join us at Black Diamond Grange, 1942 Black Diamond Rd., Port Angeles
Dance begins at 8pm.  Lesson (no extra cost) at 7:30
All other info at http://www.blackdiamonddance.org


September 2015 Dance

Thank you to everyone who came to the first dance of the 2015-16 season, and especially to the band and caller.  We stayed later than usual because nobody wanted to leave.

The turnout was excellent, the people were excited, and the band was powerful.  Get ready for our next dance, on 10/3.  More good music and dancing!

Below are videos and photos from the dance


Other Contra Dance Groups

Port Townsend Contra Dance: Every 3rd Saturday

Victoria BC: 2nd and 4th Saturday

Olympia: 2nd and 4th Saturday

Bellingham: 1st, 3rd, 5th Saturday

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